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The 35th JSST Annual Conference, International Conference on Simulation Technology, Kyoto (10/27-10/29)において、中田聡史特命助教ら、他4名がJSST学会賞(研究賞)を受賞しました

The 35th JSST Annual Conference, International Conference on Simulation Technology, Kyoto (10/27-10/29)(http://jsst2016.jsst.jp/  )において、中田聡史特命助教ら、他4名が、下記のタイトル論文に対してJSST学会賞(研究賞)を受賞しました。


「Salinization by a tsunami in a semi-enclosed bay:

tsunami-ocean three-dimensional simulation based on a great earthquake scenario along the Nankai Trough」

Satoshi Nakada 1, Mitsuru Hayashi 1,2, Shunichi Koshimura 3, Yuuki Taniguchi 1, Ei-ichi Kobayashi 1

  1. Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University
  2. Research Centre for Inland Seas, Kobe University
  3. International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University

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