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"International Symposium on the Radiation Effects on Organic Materials and Water” will be held on 14th December

Last Update 2017.11.27

"International Symposium on the Radiation Effects on Organic Materials and Water”

DATE   : 14th December 2017, 15:10 - 17:50

PLACE : Kobe University, Fukae-campus, Umeki-Y Hall

AIM      : To exchange recent studies on the radiation effects on organic materials by experiments and those on water by computer simulations, the following four speakers are invited from France and Japan. This seminar intend to provide a platform to discuss about what shall we do to well understand the structure and formation process of the ion tracks in organic materials and water including the effect of low energy electrons.

Dr. Yvette Ngono Ravache, CIMAP-CIRIL-Ganil                   (30 min)

" The Study of chemical modifications induced by swift heavy ions on polymers: the contribution of the CIRIL Platform and the CIMAP Laboratory "

Prof. Michel Fromm, University of Franche-Comté                (30 min)

" Low energy electrons and swift ion track structure in PADC "

Dr. Shogo Okada, Kobe Univesity                                         (30 min)

" Introduction of the Geant4-DNA and MPEXS-DNA projects "

Dr. Takeshi Kai, JAEA                                                            (30 min)

" Various physicochemical natures an electron activated by low-energy deposition in water "

for detail, contact to Prof. Tomoya Yamauchi
E-mail  yamauchi(at)maritime.kobe-u.ac.jp
