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Faculty and Staff

Yoshitaka Watanabe

B.S. (Keio University, 1999)
M.S. (Keio University, 2001)
Ph.D. (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, 2009)
Educational Contents
Graduate Course: Marine exploration technology
Research Interests
Underwater acoustic positioning and vehicle navigation
Underwater acoustic communication
Message for Students
Our field might not be so popular, however it is one of the most important technology fields in Japan, which is a country surrounded by the sea and lies on top of a continental plate boundary. You will be interested in studying various things, expanding your horizons, and searching for ways to make the most of your student life. I wish for you to be interested in, and also to have a deep relationship with this field.
Research Areas
Underwater acoustic engineering
Marine Acoustic Society of Japan
Academic Journals
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering
International Conferences
IEEE/MTS OCEANS, International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering