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Faculty and Staff

Tomokazu Mishima

Dr. Engineering (The University of Tokushima, 2004)
Educational Contents
Undergraduate Course: Electromagnetic Machines, Power Electronics
Graduate Course: Marine Robotics and Control Engineering
Research Interests
Our research group, Advanced Power Electronics Research Laboratory, engages in the original researches and developments of the state-of-the art electric power conversion systems and apparatuses such as high-efficiency switching-mode power converters that are effectively applicable for industrial power processing facilities including the sustainable energy & power generation systems.
Message for Students
We welcome for your interests and participations in our research activities with the 4Cs (Challenge, Curiosity, Concentration, and Continuity) spirit!
Research Areas
Power Electronics
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE),  The Institute of Electrical Engineering, Japan (IEEJ),  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE),  Japan Institute of Power Electronics (JIPE)
Academic Journals
IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics Society / Industrial Electronics Society / Industry Applications Society, IET Transaction on Power Electronics / Electric Power Application / Electric Letters, IEEJ Transaction on Industry Applications Society, JIPE Transaction KIPE Transaction
International Conferences
International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), The Applied Powder Electronics Conference and Expositions (APEC), International Conference on Electric Machines and Systems (ICEMS), IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expositions (ECCE), European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), and other related international conferences.