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Faculty and Staff

Masato Kanasaki

Ph. D. in Engineering (Kobe University, 2014)
Educational Contents
Research Interests
My research interests are precise measurement and on-line diagnosis of laser-accelerated ions Beams. In the laser-driven ion acceleration via the interaction of ultrashort, intense laser pulses with matter, known as laser-plasma acceleration, high energy ions are accelerated from mixed radiation field. To characterize the laser-accelerated ion beams (energy distribution, spatial distribution, etc.), I have been applying solid state nuclear track detectors with unique analysis technique. My students and I are going to join the laser-driven ion acceleration experiments at Kansai Photon Science Institute, Japan Atomic Energy Agency.
Message for Students
The basic subjects such as physics, mathematics, English are very important to proceed the scientific research. Let's study together from the basic subjects to world-leading research.
Research Areas
Radiation Measurement, Laser-driven Ion Acceleration
The Japan Society of Applied Physics, The Laser Society of Japan
Academic Journals
Radiation Measurement, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
International Conferences
International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, International Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science