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Faculty and Staff

Yasuo Kageyama

Ph.D. in Engineering (Nagoya University, 2000)
Educational Contents
Undergraduate Course: Linear Algebra 1,2,3,4, Applied Mathematics 2-1,2-2
Research Interests
My specialty is numerical analysis. In numerical analysis, we research various methods to solve mathematical problems (e.g., equations whose exact solutions cannot necessarily be obtained algebraically) numerically by means of analysis. In this case, approximation accuracy (error), numerical stability, computational complexity, etc. are important problems. We can say that the basis of numerical analysis is "approximation theory (of functions)"because some "approximation" is indispensable in this field. Therefore, I research approximation theory especially. It also has a statistical aspect because it can be applied to the problem to estimate unknown functions from experimental data.
Message for Students
The ideal of this laboratory is that students research themes connected with my specialty, but in practice, I have ever treated and will treat really various themes concerning mathematics without sticking to my specialty. (In short, everything is OK as long as it is related to mathematics.)
Research Areas
Numerical Analysis (especially, Approximation Theory)
The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Academic Journals
Journal of Approximation Theory, Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics