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Faculty and Staff

Takashi Iwata

Ph. D.
Educational Contents
Introduction to Marine Science and Technology
Research Interests
I am studying the ecology of marine top predators such as marine mammals (whales and seals) and seabirds using bio-logging methods. Bio-logging is a method used for investigating animal behaviour and their surroundings by attaching devices such as cameras to animals. Marine animals live in the ocean, which differs greatly from terrestrial environments and presents unique challenges and limitations. For example, marine animals need to search for prey horizontally and vertically. Furthermore, breath-holding marine animals cannot stay underwater indefinitely. I am investigating how marine animals adapt to live in their environment under those limitations.
Message for Students
The ecology of marine animals is still shrouded in many mysteries. Although science and technologies have developed rapidly, it is still difficult to conduct studies on marine animals. In light of these challenges, this research might be a worthwhile field. If you have interest in marine animals and/or fieldwork, let’s study together.
Research Areas
Animal Ecology
Society for Marine Mammalogy, The international Bio-logging Society, The Ecological Society of Japan, Bio-logging Science of Japan, The Mammal Society of Japan, Japan Ethological Society
Academic Journals
Current Biology
Biology Letters
Marine Mammal Science
Behavioural Processes
Aquatic Mammals
International Conferences
Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals
International Science Symposium on Biologging