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Faculty and Staff

Shoji Fujimoto

Doctor of Philosophy in Law (Osaka University, 2005)
Educational Contents
Undergraduate Course: Maritime Traffic Law 1, Maritime Traffic Law 2, Maritime Laws, Marine Casualties,Seamanship Practice, Leadership, Leadership Exercise 1, Leadership Exercise 2, International Radio Communication and Regulations at Sea 1, International Radio Communication and Regulation and at Sea 2, Exercise3 in Navigation
Graduate Course: Maritime Administrative Law, Advanced Maritime Administrative Law
Research Interests
The territorial waters of Japan is many vessels are sailing. I am researching law and policy of competition of various use for that area and safety navigation.
Message for Students
I wants researching the issue of sea by fieldwork(field survey) with students.
Research Areas
Maritime law
Japan Institute of Navigation, Japan Society of Ocean Policy, Japan Society for Maritime Activity, Japan Public Law Association, Royal Institute of Navigation
Academic Journals
The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation, Journal of Japan Society of Ocean Policy, Japanese Journal of Maritime Activity, Maritime Transport Studies, Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering
International Conferences
Asia navigation Conference