HOME > Campus Life > Life in General > Referrals for part-time jobs
The "System to Provide Information to Students Seeking Part-time Jobs," which is managed by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services, is a part-time job referral service for students who wish to apply for a part-time job (only for job seekers, including international students). Specifically, at Kobe University the part-time job referral service is outsourced to the Kobe University Co-op, so please inquire at the University Student Co-op Shop as shown below.
Kobe University Co-op Part-time Job Referral Service
International students must obtain approval to engage in activities outside of the scope of their visa qualification, and must obtain an Alien Registration Card and certificate of approval for activities outside of the scope of their visa qualification. The Kobe University Co-op provides the same service for part-time job seekers for jobs that are limited to Japanese students only.
Any problems that may occur with the employer for a part-time job are the responsibility of the students themselves, so please do you best to perform the part-time job appropriately as a student of the University.