2nd East Asia International Student Symposium on Maritime Sciences
(EAISS 2012)
Extended Abstract Submission
Last Update 2012.06.13
Detailed instructions for typing your article are given in the followings. Since you are requested to send a camera-ready paper, you
are personally responsible for the quality and appearance of your work.
Please remember the following points in particular: a) write your paper as an extended abstract; b) paper length is generally limited to 2 pages
in A4 paper (it is acceptable up to 4 pages); c) type the body of the paper in double column; d) use 10-pt. Times New Roman font or
equivalent, and single spaced lines; e) list references in numerical order of appearance; f) paste good quality figures and tables; g) list
all the used symbols (together with their units) in a nomenclature section at the end of the paper; h) the use of SI units is mandatory; i)
the PDF file named as corresponding author's family name should be sent via E-mail to:
j) the deadline is July 31, 2012; k) late manuscripts may not be included in the Symposium Proceedings.
Manuscripts not complying with present instructions may not appear in
the Proceedings.
Click here to download the extended abstract template